Honors Program Housing

Powell Residence Hall
Located on the southeast corner of the UE campus, Powell Residence Hall is home to the University of Evansville's honors-themed housing, housing 102 co-ed students.
Students in the University's Honors Program have the option to live among other Honors students in Powell Residence Hall. Powell is a co-ed (by floor) residence hall and is popular among students.
Since it is a popular residence hall, there is a limited number of spaces available. Students will be selected for housing on a first-come-first-served basis with regard to the date their application for University housing is received. Students may submit their housing applications and list Honors housing as their first preference before knowing their status of admission to the Honors Program.
Placement in Honors housing will be possible once your admission is granted to the Honors Program and your housing application is received in the Office of Residence Life. Notification of housing assignments are typically sent by Residence Life in July.
More information about housing can be found at UE Residence Life.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Room 239, Koch Center for Engineering Science